Subscription dues are just like a magazine subscription. It gives you
365 days of membership in the VFW. With this being the first year that
they are coming into effect it will be a process that we are not use to.
The basic breakdown of what is going to happen is:
If you are an annual member and you pay your dues before Jan your
expiration will be Jan 2024. If you pay after that date whatever day
your dues are processed at National will be the new expiration date.
Example would be that you send in your dues to National on 1 Feb 2024 and National processed them on the 15 Feb. Your new expiration date
would be 15 Feb 2025.
Annual membership Dues $39 and due on the anniversary of the date you joined the VFW or the date of annual renewal.
My Responsibility To America
The America I Believe In
Copies of discharges may be requested from the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis by completing a Standard Form-180 or submitting an online request by visiting
The Department of Defense Form 214 (DD-214) is an official government document and as such, may only be released to the following individuals or organizations:
*NDVA will only certify DD-214s that were received from an official source, such as the Department of Defense, and reserves the right to deny any request for a DD-214.
Our programs support our service members while they are on the front line, as they are being discharged and long after they return. Your tax-deductible donation will be immediately directed to the VFW programs where your support is most urgently needed.